The Mmm Maker for March ’22 is the talented May More. We asked her some questions, and this is what she had to say! (please help us in wishing her a very Happy Birthday!!!!)
I can be found on Medium where I curate the publication Tantalizing Tales and am editor for Redemption Magazine. And that’s just for starters! You can also follow me on Twitter.
I am passionate about writing stories, particularly transgressive fiction, but also try to highlight mental health-related issues and other worthy topics.
I have published a couple of E-books and written for a range of online publications.
What is your astrological sign?
Pieces – The fishes and I do love to be near water. Even if it is just a bathtub full 🙂
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
One of the first things I thought of was being a stripper. I loved not having any clothes on. When I realised this was not something you expressed to your teacher at school I changed it to Librarian. As I loved reading and books.
When did you first start writing?
I can’t remember not writing really. I wrote a lot of everything up to the age of about 14. Then a teacher put the dampeners on the idea that one day I may actually have some kind of profession which included writing by telling me that my “spelling problems” – (which were later diagnosed as dyslexia) – would boycott me from a writing career. I carried on keeping a diary on and off for many years but did not write any fiction until 2018 when I entered the Smut Marathon. The precursor of the Fiction Marathon.
What led to the idea of your blog/site/niche/etc.?
My site was always meant to be a personal blog about relationships, sex and communications. But it evolved over the years. Just like we do really.
What are you most proud of accomplishing? Either in blogging or in general? Why?
Without a doubt my children. Corny I know. But both in their own way have their heads screwed on and are not typical by-products of the throwaway society we live in today. They are individuals. Independent and on occasions inspirational too. My eldest says she feels free to be who she actually is rather than trying to please anyone. She told me this is because I have made her proud by being unapologetically myself.
What is one book everyone should read?
So many! But thinking of all the books I would recommend for some reason today this one is coming our on top: The Virgin and the Gypsy by DH Lawrence
The way DH Lawrence writes simply thrills me. When I am reading any of his books I feel as if I am being stroked and soothed by the flow of words as I read. The Virgin and the Gypsy is my favourite novel of his. It is quite short and filled with anticipation. The title tells you all you need to know.
A song that means something to you. Feel free to share why. Alternatively tell us about your favourite song of all time.
One song – Beeswing by Richard Thompson. I was not a fan of this artist until one day I heard a cover of this song. And the lyrics and story telling blew me away. I soon looked up the original and it is incredible.
If they made a movie about you, who do you think would play you?
I think I would like it to be Tara Fitzgerald – a British actress who is a similar age to me now. When my mum was alive she always said that Tara reminded her of me.
What quote defines the way you live your life?
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.
Alexander Supertramp (Chris McCandless)
If you don’t know who he is look him up. Enjoy the ride.
What is your favourite recipe?
This Chilli Con Carne – I adapted it from a Jamie Oliver recipe.
3 posts on your blog you recommend
A fictionalised story. Which to me means based on true events but told with a degree of artistic licence:
In my opinion the best story I have ever written:
An article about forced adoption. Detailing my own personal experience.
I loved reading this, and love working with you, May!
~ Marie xox
Happy Birthday! Nice insights. Richard Thompson is a great storyteller. Black Molly and his Vincent make me want one.